Notice of Public Meeting
October 25, 2023
October 25, 2023
301 Walnut Street, Amite, Louisiana 70422
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
a. Charles “Mose” Guzzardo, Chairman
b. Robbie Lee, Vice Chair
c. Raymond Cutrer, Secretary
d. Randy Bracy, Member
e. John “Tree” Smith
THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING – anyone wishing to address the Board or comment on any agenda item for today’s meeting please come forward.
III. Approval of Minutes
IV. Administrative and Management Reports – Mike Whittington, CEO
a. Quality/ Compliance
b. HR Dashboard
c. Building and Grounds
d. CEO Update
i. Leadership Activity
V. Financial Report – Michael Magee, CFO
VI. Appointments and Resignations
VII. New Business
VIII. Executive Session Strategic Planning (Reserve the right to enter Executive Session)
IX. Adjournment
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Whitney Jones at 985-748-9485 describing the assistance that is necessary.
Mike Whittington, CEO
(Name and Position of Authorized Person)
(Name of Taxing District)
301 W. Walnut Street, Amite, Louisiana
(Telephone Number)